Book Collection
Christophori Clavii Bambergensis Ex Societate Iesv In Sphaeram Ioannis De Sacro Bosco Commentarivs by Christopher Clavius - 1591
Here is a copy of "Christophori Clavii Bambergensis Ex Societate Iesv In Sphaeram Ioannis De Sacro Bosco Commentarivs" by Christopher Clavius that was published in 1591 in Venice. This textbook on Ptolemaic astronomy was one of the most influential textbooks on astronomy during the 16th century. Christopher Clavius was a member of the Jesuit order and was head mathematician of the Collegio Romano and was a leading member of the commission that convinced Pope Gregory XIII to implement calendar reform in 1582. The lunar crater Clavius is named after him.