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My Favorite Astronomy Links
Do not ask me to add a link to this page. All requests will be tossed in the trash.
Amateur Astrophotography Sites
AstroMeeting - Photography by Stefan Seip
Astronomy and Telescopes by Barry Carter. A Michigan resident's Web site showing all of his telescopes and photos.
Astrophotography by Tom Matheson - Some nice planetary animations.
Astrophotography with LX10, TV101, film, SX HX916, SX SXV-H9, and SBIG STV
Cebu Astronomy - Christopher Go's Web site. Great planetary images.
Dark Sky Images by Scott Tucker
Doc G's Info Site
Daniel S. Perry's Web site
Samir Kharusi's astrophotography site.
PROCYON Astronomy - A Dutch amateur astrophotography Web site.
Russell Croman Astrophotography
Site astro de Pierre Kaminsky - French language amateur site.
Vanderbei Astrophotos - Astrophotos by Robert J. Vanderbei at Princeton University. A very nice site.
Videoastronomy - Site by Paul Goelz that features astro photos using a video camera.
Astronomy Education and Research
About Foucault Pendulums
AJJAR - Astronomical Javascript, Java Applet Resources
Good Astronomy Activities on the WWW
Astronomy and Astrophysics at the University of Iceland _ Nice section on gravitational lenses.
Astronomy Education Review
Astronomy Notes - An on-line astronomy textbook.
Discovery Channel Telescope Home page - Lowell Observatory
From Stargazers to Starships -NASA site that provides activities and lesson plans for the classroom
Gravitational Lensing Theory - Introduction to gravitational lenses.
Hands on Universe, Europe - astronomy education site.
HyperPhysics - Physics education web site hosted by Georgia state University
Images of Planetary Nebulae
Joint Astronomy Centre - James Clerk Maxwell Telescope and the United Kingdom Infrared Telescope
Jodrell Bank Internet Observatory (JBiO) - a robotic radio telescope for european educators.
Kepler Laws & Explorer 35 - Web version of an activity out of 'Contemporary Activities in Astronomy' by Darrel Hoff and Jeffrey Wilkerson
KU Physics and Astronomy Department
Mars Student Imaging Project - NASA related site for educators
Multimedia Physics Studios - Glenbrook South High School. Glenview Illinois
NASA - JPL Solar System Simulator
National Research Council Canada - Astronomy Education
Physics Applets from the University of Oregon
Open Source Physics Java Applets
Planetary Science Research Discoveries PSRD - links for planetary and space sciences
Robert J. Nemiroff's Home Page - Relativity Animations On-line star charts and downloadable PC charting application plus a few links to other sites.
Spectra - Web site run by Dr. James Kaler that provides an introduction to stellar spectra.
Spectroscopy Java Applet - Harvard University
Stars and Constellations - provides an overview of the constellations and brighter stars.
University of Northern Iowa astronomy class Web site - has some Java applets and on-line quizes
Warp Special Relativity Simulator - Application that simulates what it is like to travel at relativistic speeds. Very Cool.
Astronomy Links on the Web
ICSTARS Astronomy Star Links
Astro Shopping
Manufacturers & Retailers
Anacortes Telescope And Wild Bird
APM Telescopes - German Telescope Maker
Astronomy Equipment Vendors and Manufacturers Home
ASTROPTX For Celestron and Meade Telescopes, Binoculars and Spotting Scopes
AstroSky - Makers of custom piers, adapter plates and Dobsonian telescopes from 10 to 20 inches.
Computer Operated Telescopes - Site where amateurs can purchase telescope control hardware and software.
Hands on Optics - Retailer of Telescopes and Accessories
Losmandy Astronomical Products
Luxorion - Articles on Astronomy, Technology and Things That Vave Shaped Western Culture
Optec, Inc. - Telescope accessory maker. Makes a line of photometers.
Optic-Craft Machining - Telescope Mounts and Clock Drives
Optical Filters and Optical Coatings by Andover Corporation
Parallax Instruments - Makers of Telescopes and German Equatorial Mounts
Philips ToUcam Accessories parts spares telescopes Scopetronix classifieds used secondhand eyepieces equipment
Siebert Optics - Eyepieces and Binoviewers
Sirius Optics
Sturdy Telescope Mountings by Optic-Craft Machining
University Optics Telescope Accessories, Telescope Accessories, Telescope Eye Pieces, University Optics
William Optics - Maker of fine telescopes and mounts
Woodland Hills Telescope. Retailer of telescopes and accessories Idaho based supplier of telescopes and accessories. US retailer for Baader Planetarium. - Makers of high end german equatorial mounts.
Used and Surplus Equipment
ASTROMART Classifieds
Surplus Shed - Used telescopes and accessories
Astronomy History
Percival Lowell
Wikipedia article about Percival Lowell
Astronomical Databases and Catalogs
Extra-solar Planets Catalog
Martindale's Astronomy, Astrophysics & Space Center Universe, Stars, Telescopes
SAO Telescope Data Center
Simbad Astronomical Database
SkyView Virtual Observatory
Sloan Digital Sky Survey - SkyServer
The United States Naval Observatory - Home to the USNO star catalog
NGC Objects Logged So Far on IAAC
Revised Shapley-Ames Catalog of Bright Galaxies
The Whole NGC
Pages from historical atlas
Linda Hall Library - Exhibitions
Welcome to Willmann-Bell, Inc.
CCD Cameras and Web Cams
Astronomical CCD & Night Vision Devices. Information on CCD chips and cameras
Capteur1 - French language site that describes the TC 255P and TC237 CCD chips
CCD-237 camera - describes the TC237 CCD chip.
Cookbook Camera Home Page - Companion web site to the book titled 'The CCD Camera Cookbook' by, Richard Berry, et. al.
Equipment for CCD-astrophotography - A telescope and CCD camera maker.
Flat Field Lightbox Notes - Shows how to build a lightbox for taking flat field frames with a CCD camera.
Light Box - More tips on building a light box for CCD imaging.
Ron Wodaski's Magic CCD Camera Calculator
Super-Resolution Planetary Images - A must for any planetary imager.
The New CCD Astronomy Home Page
Web Cameras
'Easy' RAW mod for Philips and Logitech Webcams
Astronomia - Astro photos by Sergio Saltamonti. Nice planetary images.
Info on modifying a vesta pro web camera for long exposures.
Greg Beeke's Webcam Mods - Detailed info on modifying web cams for long exposures.
Logitech Quickcam Pro 3000 Long Exposure Modification - Keith Wiley explains how to make a long exposure modification to a QC 3000
Logitech QuickCam Pro 3000 Modification - preface
M. Burri's Web Cam Modifications and Astrophotos
Quickcam Data - Lots of links to other Web site concerning web cams.
Sarawak Skies - Webcam and Digital SLR Astrophotography from Singapore
THE FIRMAMENT - astronomy webcam images and tutorials Moon, Planets, Messier, and Deep Sky objects
ToUCam - IR-Filter. German site showing how to extract the IR filter from a ToUcam lens.
Web Cam Adapter - The Mogg Adapter. Site where many different types of telescope adapters for Web cams can be ordered.
WebCam astro images - Information on using modified web cams.
Constellation Photos - Constellations - Digital Images of the Sky
General Information for the Beginner
Amateur Astronomer's Notebook - Good site for the novice.
Astronomy Education - How to use a telescope.
General Interest
Astronomy Awards -
Astronomy Magazine, Star Charts, Space
Astronomy Picture of the Day
HubbleSite - NewsCenter The Night Sky Live- See the night sky from several observatories around the world.
SkyNews - Canadian Amateur Astronomy Magazine
StarDate Online - Your Guide to the Universe
Observing Techniques
Astro-nut home page - Paul Hyndman's Web site. Explains the use of the Hartmann mask for focusing.
Making an Improvised Infrared Transmitting Filter
Observational Astronomy Contents-Site Map. Links to lots of different topics with an emphasis on observing methods..
AAL Homepage - Luxembourg Amateur Astronomers
ASKC Main Index Page - The asronomical Society of Kansas City
Association of Lunar & Planetary Observers
Astronomical Society of the Pacific - Professional organization
Manchester Astronomical Society Home Page
Students for the Exploration and Development of Space (SEDS)
The Astronomy Associates of Lawrence
Charlottesville Astronomical Society
The Planetary Society
The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada - For amateur and professional astronomers.
Antilhue-Chile (Home)
Astrophotography Articles
Astrophotography by Jerry Lodriguss
Astrophotography by John Punnett
CCD Amateur Astronomy
Celestial Wonders, Astrophotography by Frank Barrett
Chris Hendren's Astrophotography
Guide to Astrophotography
Shane's Astrophotos
AAVSO CCD Observing Manual
Optec, Inc. - Photometers
Software and Computer Programming that is Related to Astronomy - Aberrator is freeware that generates star-testing images
AIPS (Classic, not aips++)
Alcyone Astronomical Software - ephemeris software
Aquest, Inc. Home of PCFocus and FocusAide
ASCOM Initiative
AstroAlign - an alignment tool by Carsten Arnholm
Astrophysics Source Code Library Archive - Astronomy Software and Amateur Observation Resources Astronomy Freeware, Shareware and Commercial.
AstroVideo -software for capturing and stacking video frames.
Diffraction Limited - Home of MaxIm DL image processing software.
Download Partiview NVO @ Hayden Planetarium American Museum of Natural History
Dutch Occultation Association
Free Astrophotography Software
Front Page -- - Astronomy and other science related links
FV - The Interactive FITS File Editor
Image Analyzer
NIH ImageJ
iMerge - Image-stacking and Mosaic-making program
Iris software
K3's Astronomy Home Page - Home of K3CCDTools. An image acquisition and processing package for Web cameras.
Linux Astronomy HOWTO
MLUnsold Digital Imaging - Home of Image Plus software. Has some good information on restorative techniques.
Moontool for Windows - A program that displays the current phase information on the Moon by John Walker
Neat Image - best noise reduction for digital cameras and scanners
Night Vision for Java Home Page
OSLO - optical design software. An educational edition is available.
polygonworlds - 3D Mars animations
Prep - Interactive Image Preprocessor. Commercial application for correcting image defects.
Quantum Image
Realtime Spectroscopy Software - allows one to capture spectra with a video camera. Diffraction gratings are available through this web site.
RegiStax - image stacking freeware
SETI@Home Speedup Tips
SkyChart / Cartes du Ciel
Sky Charts, Free Astronomy software , Celestial atlas
SPECTRUM - a stellar spectral synthesis program
Stellar Evolution on PC
Stellar Magic - Freeware image processing program for astronomical images captured in FITS format.
Visual Spec - home page
WCSTools Image World Coordinate System Utilities
Welcome to the Astrometrica Homepage
Solar System
General Planetary Astronomy and Images
Arizona State University Planetary Exploration Laboratory
Planetary Data System Home
The Nine Planets
MGS MOC Captioned Image Releases
Planetary Data System - NASA site
Planetary Image Repository
Planetary Photojournal NASA's Image Access Home Page
The Sun
Big Bear Solar Observatory
SOHO-LASCO-EIT Real Time Movies
NASA Solar Eclipse Page
Apollo Image Atlas
Clementine Lunar Map 2.0
Lunar Orbiter Photographic Atlas of the Moon
Inconstant Moon - Lunar resources and online atlas
IMO Video Observers Page
Peekskill Meteorite Car
The Peekskill Fireball
IAU Minor Planet Center
Orbit Diagrams
Science & Technology New study reveals twice as many asteroids as previously believed
IAU Minor Planet Animations Page
Developing the theory of continental drift [This Dynamic Earth, USGS]
Millennium of Geomagnetism
This Dynamic Earth--Contents [USGS]
Mars Exploration Multimedia
Mars Global Surveyor MOC2-299 Release
MSSS Mars Image Directory
Jupiter by Christopher Go
PDS Jupiter Viewer 2.4
Space Agencies Nasa & ESA
ESA Science & Technology Images and Videos
A Digital Spectral Classification Atlas - R. O. Gray
Forum for Amateur AstroSpectroscopy - Library Resources
Laser Stars - History of Astronomical Spectroscopy
NIST Atomic Spectros. - Compendium of Basic Ideas, Etc.
Paton Hawksley Education Ltd, Nuffield physics transmission gratings
Planetary Nebulae Spectra - amateur extrasolar planet search project
Amateur Astronomical Spectroscopy
Spectrograph design- A&S Rondi
Spectroscopy, CCD and Astronomy
Telescopes and Amateur Observatories
ASKC Powell Observatory Page
Astro Note - Polar Alignment.
Cloudy Nights Telescope Reviews
COAA Homepage - Amateur observatory - resort designed to give amateurs the chance to use larger telescopes. Located in Portugal.
Computer Operated Telescopes
Mapug-Astronomy Homepage for Meade Advanced Products Users Group of Amateur Astronomers Using Meade LX200 and other Meade Teles
Weasner's Meade Autostar Feedback
Telescope Making
STAR Astronomy - Telescope Making Links
The ATM's Workshop - Home Page
Optics - Brief discussions of many areas of optics.
Thierry Legault - The collimation - Shows how collimation of a telescope's optics affect the sharpness of planetary images.
Space Telescopes
Hubble Telescope
Hubble ESA Information Centre - VIDEOS
Hubble Space Telescope Picture Gallery
Spitzer Infrared Telescope
Spitzer Space Telescope
Chandra X-Ray Observatory
Chandra Multimedia Page
Weather Related
Clear Sky Clock Homepage