2022 Mars Opposition
ZWO ASI178MC Camera Images
Capture Notes: ZWO ASI178MC camera, unless otherwise indicated. 8 inch Meade LXD55 SCT and 3X barlow.
ASIStudio is being used to capture the videos.
Processing Notes: Final processing has been done using Registax version 5 for stacking, Astra Image for applying deconvolution.
PhotoShop CS2 or Paint Shop Pro 9 have been used for adjusting levels, curves, and color, while Neat Image is used for digital noise removal.
Image Notes: North is up.
January 21, 2023 at 0:44 UT.
Meade LXD55 8 inch SCT, and 3X barlow. Camera settings: 18 millisecond exposure, and gain: 284. The video resolution was set to 640x480. Binning was set to 1x1. 6000 out of 13248 frames stacked. Seeing was poor to average (~2 to 3 out of 5). The angular diameter of Mars was 12.0".
November 01, 2022 at 9:04 UT.
Meade LXD55 8 inch SCT, and 3X barlow. Camera settings: 24 millisecond exposure, and gain: 271. The video resolution was set to 1024x768. Binning was set to 1x1. 2329 out of 9318 frames stacked. Seeing was average (~3 out of 5). The angular diameter of Mars was 15.1".
October 29, 2022 at 9:04 UT.
Meade LXD55 8 inch SCT, and 3X barlow. Camera settings: 15 millisecond exposure, and gain: 319. The video resolution was set to 1024x768. Binning was set to 1x1. 200 out of 8539 frames stacked. Seeing was very p0or (~1 out of 5). The angular diameter of Mars was 14.8".