Book Collection
"By Order of the Sun" by John James Aubertin 1894
"By Order of the Sun" by John James Aubertin was published in 1894 and describes an expedition to South America to view the total solar eclipse of 1893, where he joined Professor Schaeberle's party in Mina Bronces, Chile. The author says that the idea of the title for the book came in a dream where the Sun commanded him to travel to South America to view the eclipse. This volume is signed by the author on the half title page. John Aubertin is probably best known for his books on travel. However, he was a Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society. The bookplate belongs to Dr. Sydney Ross of Rensselaer Polytechnic, was a well know book collector and is known for buying out the entire contents of the John Herschel library. The World Catalog lists only 33 copies of this volume in libraries around the world.