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"The Sky Explored" by Deborah Warner - 1979

Here is a copy of Deborah Warner's "The Sky Explored", published in 1979, which is a valuable resource for star atlas collectors like myself. If you look on the Internet for copies of this book there are two copies where the seller is asking more than 500 USD each. Does anyone actually pay this kind of money for this reference work? Old World Auctions sold a copy for 325 USD back in 2002, so apparently it does bring a high price. I didn't pay anything close to these nose bleed prices. The eBay seller was offering a buy it now price of 50 USD so I grabbed it. What I like about this work is that Deborah Warner includes star charts that were published in works other than celestial atlases. Bob McNaught, an expert on celestial atlases, says that the star maps presented in this book are mostly unobtainable today.