Current Jupiter Images
ZWO ASI178MC Images
Capture Notes: ZWO ASI178 color camera, unless otherwise indicated. 8 inch Meade LXD55 SCT and 3X barlow. ASIStudio is being used to capture the videos.
Processing Notes: Final processing has been done using AutoStakkert for stacking and AstroSurface or Registax 5 for wavelets, Neat Image for noise removal, and
PhotoShop CS2, Paint Shop Pro 9, or The Gimp were used for adjusting levels, curves, and color.
January 4, 2024 at 00:22 UT
711 frames stacked. Camera settings: Exposure setting: 57 milliseconds, and gain: 274. The video resolution was set to 1280x1024. Binning was set to 1x1. Seeing was very good (~4 out of 5). Angular diameter 43.5".
January 2, 2024 at 00:12 UT
722 frames stacked. Camera settings: Exposure setting: 57 milliseconds, and gain: 264. The video resolution was set to 1920x1080. Binning was set to 1x1. Seeing was very good (~4 out of 5). Angular diameter 43.8".
November 18, 2023 at 03:37 UT
744 frames stacked. Camera settings: Exposure setting: 44 milliseconds, and gain: 309. The video resolution was set to 3096x1080. Binning was set to 1x1. Seeing was very good (~4 out of 5). Angular diameter 48.9". Three of the Galilean moons (Io, Europa, and Ganymede) are visible. The Great Red Spot can be seen at the western limb of Jupiter.