2006 Saturn Images
Web Camera Images
Capture Notes: Philips ToUcam PCVC740 web camera, unless otherwise indicated, with an IR blocking filter. Camera settings were recorded with WcCrtl. 8 inch Meade LXD55 SCT.
K3CCDTools version 1 was used to record the videos unless otherwise indicated.
Image Notes: South is down unless otherwise indicated.
December 24, 2006 09:42 UT.
Camera settings: exposure 1/25 sec, brightness 50%, saturation 100%, gain 54%, gamma 0%. 1100 frames stacked. 3X barlow. Seeing was good to excellent (~4 to 5 out of 5). Angular diameter 19.5".
April 9, 2006 02:57 UT.
Camera settings: exposure 1/25 sec, brightness 54%, saturation 100%, gain 67%, gamma 3%. 1500 frames stacked. 3X barlow. Seeing was good (~4 out of 5). Angular diameter 18.9".
March 26, 2006 02:35 UT.
This is the same image as the other image except that I enhanced the three moons that were visible in the image. Camera settings: exposure 1/25 sec, brightness ~50%, saturation 100%, gain ~50%, gamma 0%. 1700 frames stacked. 3X barlow. Seeing was very good to excellent (~4 to 5 out of 5). Angular diameter 19.4".
March 26, 2006 02:35 UT.
Camera settings: exposure 1/25 sec, brightness ~50%, saturation 100%, gain ~50%, gamma 0%. 1700 frames stacked. 3X barlow. Seeing was very good to excellent (~4 to 5 out of 5). Angular diameter 19.4".