2009 Saturn Images
Web Camera Images
Capture Notes: 8 inch Meade LXD55 SCT, Philips SPC900NC web camera, unless otherwise indicated, and an IR blocking filter. Camera settings were recorded with WcCrtl.
K3CCDTools version 1 was used to record the videos unless otherwise indicated.
Image Notes: South is down unless otherwise indicated.
May 29, 2009 02:17 UT.
In this image the moons Tethys Rhea, Mimas, Enceladus, and Dione were imaged by taking long exposures (5.8 sec). Imaging Source DBK 21AF04.AS color camera. Camera settings: exposure 5.8 seconds, brightness 100%, gain 100%. 20 frames stacked. 3X barlow. Seeing was average to good (~3 to 4 out of 5).
May 29, 2009 02:17 UT.
Saturn with a storm in the southern hemisphere. The storm is the white spot below the red band. Camera settings: exposure 1/25 second, brightness 50%, gain 62%, gamma 0%, saturation 50%. 750 frames stacked. 3X barlow. Seeing was average to good (~3 to 4 out of 5). Angular diameter 18.0".
May 22, 2009 02:55 UT.
Imaging Source DBK 21AF04.AS color camera. Camera settings: exposure 1/5 seconds, brightness 39%, gain 100%. 600 frames stacked. 5X barlow. Seeing was good (~4 out of 5). Angular diameter 18.3".
May 22, 2009 02:20 UT.
Camera settings: exposure 1/25 second, brightness 50%, gain 60%, gamma 0%, saturation 50%. 650 frames stacked. 3X barlow. Seeing was good (~4 out of 5). Angular diameter 18.3".
May 10, 2009 03:01 UT.
Camera settings: exposure 1/25 second, brightness 46%, gain 78%, gamma 0%, saturation 50%. 630 frames stacked. 5X barlow. Seeing was average to good (~3 to 4 out of 5). Angular diameter 18.7".
May 10, 2009 02:26 UT.
Camera settings: exposure 1/25 second, brightness 46%, gain 60%, gamma 0%, saturation 50%. 700 frames stacked. 3X barlow. Seeing was average to good (~3 to 4 out of 5). Angular diameter 18.7".
April 11, 2009 04:33 UT.
Camera settings: exposure 1/25 second, brightness 57%, gain 75%, gamma 0%, saturation 50%. 620 frames stacked. 5X barlow. Seeing was average to good (~3 to 4 out of 5). Angular diameter 19.5".
April 11, 2009 04:02 UT.
Camera settings: exposure 1/25 second, brightness 57%, gain 51%, gamma 0%, saturation 50%. 700 frames stacked. 3X barlow. Seeing was average to good (~3 to 4 out of 5). Angular diameter 19.5".
January 31, 2009 09:13 UT.
QC 4000 web camera. Camera settings: exposure 1/5 second, brightness 49%, gain 49%, gamma 0%, saturation 100%. 400 frames stacked. 3X barlow. Seeing was poor to average (~2 to 3 out of 5). Angular diameter 19.4".
January 22, 2009 09:21 UT.
RAW mode modified Philips SPC900NC web camera. Camera settings: exposure 1/25 second, brightness 50%, gain 78%, gamma 0%, saturation 50%. 500 frames stacked. 3X barlow. Seeing was average to good (~3 to 4 out of 5). Angular diameter 19.2".